Page 148 - Petrosphere - Loss Control Management (LCM) Training Manual V 1.0
P. 148

147  Module 20: Safety Inspection                                                           Loss Control Management (LCM)

               Frequency of Safety Inspections

                       The purpose of safety inspection is to keep the workplace free of hazards. The schedule should
                   •   When to inspect each area or equipment within the workplace
                   •   Who carries out the inspection
                   •   What degree of detail to inspect each area or equipment
                       The frequency of inspections performed depends on the several
                   •   Frequency of inspections set in your legislation

                   •   Past incident records
                   •   Number and size of different work operations
                   •   Type of equipment and work processes
                   •   Number of shifts
                   •   New processes or equipment/machineries

                       High hazards or higher risk areas should receive extra attention. It is often recommended to
               conduct inspections as often as committee meetings. Do not conduct an inspection immediately before a
               committee meeting but try to separate inspections and meetings by at least one week. This time allows

               for small items to be fixed and gives the committee an opportunity to focus on issues requiring further

               How are inspections actually done?

                       Discuss the planned inspection route before undertaking the inspection. Review where inspection
               team members are going and what they are looking for. For example, during the inspection, "huddle"
               before going into noisy areas. This discussion eliminates the need for arm waving, shouting and other
               unsatisfactory methods of communication.
                       For inspections, wear personal protective equipment (PPE) where required. If you do not have
               PPE and cannot get any, do not enter the area. List this as a deficiency during the inspection. Re-inspect
               the area when PPE is provided.

                       Look for deviations from accepted work practices. Use statements such as: "a worker was
               observed operating a machine without a guard." Do not use information derived from inspections for
               disciplinary measures. Some common poor work practices include:
                          •   using machinery or tools without authority
                          •   operating at unsafe speeds or in other violation of safe work practice

                          •   removing guards or other safety devices, or making the devices ineffective
                          •   using defective tools or equipment or using tools or equipment in unsafe ways
                          •   using hands or body instead of tools or push sticks

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