Page 141 - Petrosphere - Loss Control Management (LCM) Training Manual V 1.0
P. 141
140 Module 19: Proper Job Analysis and Procedure Loss Control Management (LCM)
Selecting Jobs for Analysis
Consideration that Governs Selecting the “Critical Few” Jobs for
Past loss experience
Potential for big loss
Probability of Recurrence
The New or Unknown
A. The Critical Job Record File
B. Job Break-Down into Steps
Job Step - one segment of the total job where something happens to
advance the doing of the work involve.
Example on Critical Steps Example of Too Much Details Example of Least Details
1. Select work area. 1. Remove supplies from storage area. 1. Select work area.
2. Transport equipment and 2. Load supplies on dolly. 2. Remove old wax.
supplies to work area. 3. Push dolly to selected area. 3. Apply wax.
3. Clear work area. 4. Unload supplies. 4. Return equipment and supplies
4. Prepare work surface. 5. Pile supplies in orderly arrangement.
5. Remove old wax. 6. Determine which area to wax first.
6. Apply wax.
7. Buff wax.
8. Realign work area.
9. Return equipment and supplies.
“Experience has proven that most jobs will breakdown into 10 or 15 key steps.”