Page 137 - Petrosphere - Loss Control Management (LCM) Training Manual V 1.0
P. 137

136  Module 18: Planned Job Observation                                                     Loss Control Management (LCM)

               Planned Job Observation

                       Planned Job Observation is a tool for observing conditions
               and practices in an organized and systematic way. It enables the
               observer to know whether or not the worker is performing all aspects
               of a specific task the correct way. They are to be recorded in a
               manner sufficient for review following the observation.

               Steps in Planned Job Observation

                   1.  Worker and Job Selection
                          •   Inventory of the worker (KSA; Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities)

                          •   Right worker for the right job.

                   2.  Preparation

                          •   Deciding Which Tasks To Observe
                              Job or Task - is a segment of work, a specific work
                              assignment, a set of actions required to complete a
                              specific work objective
                              Use Factors Like:
                                 •    Frequency

                                 •    Severity
                          •   Deciding Who To Observe
                                 1.  The New Man
                                 2.  The Poor Performer
                                            It has been tested and proven that planned observation done to a worker
                                     who has a reputation as a poor performer has helped him improved to a point
                                     where his work is making a positive, recognized contribution.

                                 3.  The Risk-Taker
                                            These are the workers who had experienced doing the job repeatedly
                                     and with pride to acknowledge openly that they can do the job on their own way;
                                     it may not be the standard, but it gets things done for them on time and, after all,
                                     “nothing has happened yet.”
                                 4.  The Worker with a Known Ability Problems

                                            They are those worker who can do the job pretty well but manifest some
                                     physical or mental problems, known or suspected, that could cause the
                                     supervisor to question a worker’s ability to do a job
                                 5.  The Good Performer
                                            These are workers whom we could considered assets. Their execution of
                                     techniques and methods could help others do their work more efficiently.
                                                    PETROSPHERE INC.
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